- 動物社會行為
- 演化賽局理論
- 氣候變遷生物學
- Shih‐Fan Chan, Dustin R Rubenstein, Tsung‐Wei Wang, Ying‐Yu Chen, I‐Ching Chen, Dong‐Zheng Ni, Wei‐Kai Shih, Sheng‐Feng Shen*, accepted, “Land‐use changes influence climate resilience through altered population demography in a social insect”, Ecological Monographs. (SCIE) (IF: 6.1; SCI ranking: 9.4%)
- Chan Wei-Ping, Lenoir Jonathan, Mai Guan-Shuo, Kuo Hung-Chi, Chen I-Ching, Shen Sheng-Feng, 2024, “Climate velocities and species tracking in global mountain regions”, Nature, 629(8010), 114-120. (SCIE) (IF: 64.8; SCI ranking: 1.4%)
- Ghimire Ashish, Dahl Rikke Beckmann, Shen Sheng‐Feng, Chen Po‐Yu, 2024, “Shark Skin Denticles: From Morphological Diversity to Multi‐functional Adaptations and Applications”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2307121, 1-23. (SCIE) (IF: 19.924; SCI ranking: 5.6%,6.1%,4.9%,7.3%,5%,8.7%)
- Chia Stephanie, Wu Shipher, Lu Ya‐Jung, Jang Yi‐Shin, Huang Chien‐Chen, Shen Sheng‐Feng, Chen I‐Ching, Tuanmu Mao‐Ning, 2023, “Mechanistic understanding of how temperature and its variability shape body size composition in moth assemblages”, Functional Ecology, 38(1), 206-218. (SCIE) (IF: 6.284; SCI ranking: 13.8%)
- Shen Sheng-Feng*, Reeve H. Kern, Emlen Stephen T., Liu Ming, Rubenstein Dustin, 2023, “Group size and the resolution of insider–outsider conflict in animal societies”, Animal Behaviour, 205, 107-116. (SCIE) (IF: 3.041; SCI ranking: 60.4%,9.6%)
- Chan Shih-Fan, Rubenstein Dustin R., Chen I-Ching, Fan Yu-Meng, Tsai Hsiang-Yu, Zheng Yuan-Wen, Shen Sheng-Feng, 2023, “Higher temperature variability in deforested mountain regions impacts the competitive advantage of nocturnal species”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(1999), 1-13. (SCIE, SSCI) (IF: ; )
- Lin Yu‐Heng, Chen Ying‐Yu, Rubenstein Dustin R., Liu Ming, Liu Mark, Shen Sheng‐Feng*, 2023, “Environmental quality mediates the ecological dominance of cooperatively breeding birds”, Ecology Letters, 26(7), 1145-1156. (SCIE) (IF: 11.274; SCI ranking: 3.4%)
- Jang Yi‐Shin, Shen Sheng‐Feng, Juang Jehn‐Yih, Huang Cho‐ying, Lo Min‐Hui*, 2022, “Discontinuity of Diurnal Temperature Range Along Elevated Regions”, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(6), 1-10. (SCIE) (IF: 5.576; SCI ranking: 12.3%)
- Chen Ying-Yu, Rubenstein Dustin R., Shen Sheng-Feng*, 2022, “Cooperation and Lateral Forces: Moving Beyond Bottom-Up and Top-Down Drivers of Animal Population Dynamics”, Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-12. (SSCI) (IF: 4.232; SSCI ranking: 23.5%)
- Ming Liu, Dustin R. Rubenstein, Siew Ann Cheong and Sheng-Feng Shen*, 2021, “Antagonistic effects of long- and short- term environmental variation on species coexistence”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 1958, 1-10. (SCIE) (IF: 5.531; SCI ranking: 20.2%,17.2%,17.3%)
- Liu, C. W.-J., S.-F. Shen , W.-C. Liu, 2021, “On the evolution of social ties as an instrumental tool for resource competition in resource patch networks”, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 78. (SSCI) (IF: 2.731; SSCI ranking: 33%)
- Wang, H.-Y.*, S.-F. Shen, Y.-S. Chen, Y.-K. K, and M. Heino, 2020, “Life histories determine divergent population trends for fishes under climate warming”, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11, 4088. (SCIE) (IF: 17.694; SCI ranking: 8.1%)
- Tibbetts, E. A., M. Liu, E. C. Laub, S.-F. Shen, 2020, “Complex signals alter recognition accuracy and conspecific acceptance thresholds”, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 375(1802). (SCIE) (IF: 6.671; SCI ranking: 14.9%)
- Tsai H.-Y., D.R. Rubenstein, B.-F. Chen, M. Liu, S.-F. Chan, D.-P. Chen, S.-J. Sun, T.-N. Yuan, and S.-F. Shen*, 2020, “Antagonistic effects of intraspecific cooperation and interspecific competition on thermal performance”, ELIFE, 9:e57022, 1-15. (SCIE) (IF: 8.713; SCI ranking: 8.5%)
- Liu, M. S.-F. Chan, D. R. Rubenstein, S.-J. Sun, B.-F. Chen, and S.-F Shen*, 2020, “Ecological transitions in grouping benefits explain the paradox of environmental quality and sociality.”, AMERICAN NATURALIST, 195(5), 818-832. (SCIE) (IF: 4.367; SCI ranking: 28.2%,28.8%)
- Chen B.-F. , M. Liu , D. R. Rubenstein, S.-J. Sun , J.-N. Liu , Y.-H. Lin and S.-F. Shen*, 2020, “A Chemically-triggered Transition from Conflict to Cooperation in Burying Beetles”, ECOLOGY LETTERS, 23(3), 467-475. (SCIE) (IF: 11.274; SCI ranking: 3.4%)
- Tsai, H-Y, D.R. Rubenstein, Y.-M. Fan, T.-N. Yuan, B.-F. Chen, Y. Tang, I.-C. Chen and S.-F. Shen*, 2020, “Locally-adapted Reproductive Photoperiodism Determines Population Vulnerability to Climate Change in Burying Beetles”, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11, 1398. (SCIE) (IF: 17.694; SCI ranking: 8.1%)
- Liu Mark, Chen Bo-Fei, Rubenstein Dustin R., Shen Sheng-Feng, 2020, “Social rank modulates how environmental quality influences cooperation and conflict within animal societies”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1935), 20201720.
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Email: shensf

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