
[Cancelled]- 4/20 10:00_Dr. Samuel Cushman_Topics, Tools, People and Places: A Tour of the Biodiversity Research Landscape

(Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems)

時間:2023. 04. 20  Thu. 10:00

地 點:跨領域科技研究大樓1樓演講廳

演講者:Dr. Samuel Cushman
                  Senior Research Ecologist
                  Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture

講題:Topics, Tools, People and Places: A Tour of the Biodiversity Research Landscape


          The emergence of powerful computing and advanced analytics methods are revolutionizing the study of biology and biodiversity. In this talk I provide an overview of the scope of my recent work in biodiversity research. I first will describe the scope of the topics of my work, including connectivity modeling, machine learning, landscape genetics, population simulation, genetic simulation, and scenario optimization. Second, I discuss the tools that are used to study these topics, focusing on software that was developed in my collaborative network, including FRAGSTATS, CDPOP, UNICOR, sGD, PATHWALKER and others. Then I describe the geographic scope of recent research, focusing on partnerships and applications around the world. Next, I discuss the collaborative structure of my research program, including the key role that graduate students and postdoctoral scholars play in this large network of research. I then provide a detailed example of how topics, tools, people and places intersect in a specific example of recent highly impactful research, and I close with a vision of how my network of research can synergize with BRCAS faculty and felllows to provide opportunities for funding and increased productivity and impact for our network of expanded collaboration.


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