- 種化及物種界定
- 生物地理及親緣地理
- 雜交及遺傳滲入
- 整合性研究方法
利用整合性研究方法,同時考慮所有資料類型的變異以及種化過程。做生物學及演化學上有意義的生物物種界定。 - 基因體資料探討
運用基因體資料探討型態適應,雜交及種間遺傳滲入的相關性。 - 族群遺傳分析
用電腦模型,族群遺傳分析及親緣分析討論微演化及巨觀演化之間的連結。 - 保育生物學
- Lebreton Elise, Ertz Damien, Lücking Robert, Aptroot Andre, Carriconde Fabian, Ah-Peng Claudine, Huang Jen-Pan, Chen Ko-Hsuan, Stenger Pierre-Louis, Cáceres Marcela Eugenia da Silva, van den Boom Pieter, Sérusiaux Emmanuël, Magain Nicolas, 2025, “Global phylogeny of the family Gomphillaceae (Ascomycota, Graphidales) sheds light on the origin, diversification and endemism in foliicolous lineages”, IMA Fungus, 16, 1. (SCIE) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 23.3%)
- Huang Jen-Pan*, Wu Shu-Ping, Chen Wei-Yun, Pham Guan Jie, Kuan Yi-Hsiu, 2024, “Genomic data revealed inbreeding despite a geographically connected stable effective population size since the Holocene in the protected Formosan Long-Arm Scarab beetle, <i>Cheirotonus formosanus</i>”, Journal of Heredity, 115(3), 292-301. (SCIE) (IF: 3.1; SCI ranking: 45.3%,46.5%)
- Han Chiao-Jung, Huang Jen-Pan, Chiang Min-Rou, Jean Ok Shin Malagayo, Nand Nitesh, Etebari Kayvan, Shelomi Matan, 2024, “The hindgut microbiota of coconut rhinoceros beetles Oryctes rhinoceros in relation to their geographical populations”, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1, 1. (SCIE) (IF: 4.4; SCI ranking: 29.6%,37%)
- Le My‐Hanh, Morgan Brett, Lu Mei‐Yeh, Moctezuma Victor, Burgos Oscar, Huang Jen‐Pan*, 2024, “The genomes of Hercules beetles reveal putative adaptive loci and distinct demographic histories in pristine North American forests”, Molecular Ecology Resources, 24(2), e13908. (SCIE) (IF: 8.678; SCI ranking: 14.5%,5.2%,11.5%)
- Fikáček Martin, Hu Fang‐Shuo, Le My‐Hanh, Huang Jen‐Pan, 2024, “Can immature stages be ignored in studies of forest leaf litter arthropod diversity? A test using <scp>Oxford</scp> Nanopore <scp>DNA</scp> barcoding”, Insect Conservation and Diversity, 17(1), 31-50. (SCIE) (IF: 4.266; SCI ranking: 10%)
- Shen Zong-Yu, Terada Takeshi, Landry Jean-François, Hoare Robert J.B., Kuo Li-Yaung, Chou Ming-Hsun, Hsu Yu-Feng, Huang Jen-Pan*, 2024, “Systematics and evolutionary dynamics of insect-fern interactions in the specialized fern-spore feeding Cuprininae (Lepidoptera, Stathmopodidae)”, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 1, 108040. (SCIE) (IF: 5.019; SCI ranking: 36.7%,21.2%,21.5%)
- Jen-Pan Huang*, Wei-Yun Chen, My Hanh Le, 2023, “Genetic Assessment of Fertile F1 Hybrids between Two Hercules Beetles, Dynastes maya Hardy and D. grantii Horn (Scarabaeidae)”, ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES, 62, e13. (SCIE) (IF: 1.904; SCI ranking: 35%)
- De Vivo Mattia, Chou Min‐Hsun, Wu Shu‐Ping, Kuan Yi‐Hsiu, Chen Wei‐Yun, Wang Liang‐Jong, Morgan Brett, Phang Guan‐Jie, Huang Jen‐Pan*, 2023, “Genomic tools for comparative conservation genetics among three recently diverged stag beetles (<i>Lucanus</i>, <scp>Lucanidae</scp>)”, Insect Conservation and Diversity, 16(6), 853-869. (SCIE) (IF: 4.266; SCI ranking: 10%)
- De Vivo Mattia, Chen Wei-Yun, Huang Jen-Pan, 2023, “Testing the efficacy of different molecular tools for parasite conservation genetics: a case study using horsehair worms (Phylum: Nematomorpha)”, Parasitology, 150(9), 842-851. (SCIE) (IF: 3.243; SCI ranking: 33.3%)
- De Vivo Mattia, Huang Jen‐Pan, 2022, “Modeling the geographical distributions of <i>Chordodes formosanus</i> and its mantis hosts in Taiwan, with considerations for their niche overlaps”, Ecology and Evolution, 12(11), 1. (SCIE) (IF: 3.167; SCI ranking: 43.1%,51.9%)
- Ye Yan-Jhih, Huang Jen-Pan, Nguyen Hung N, Villanueva Reagan Joseph T, Amarga Ace Kevin S, Tseng Hui-Yun, 2022, “Comparative Phylogeography in the Taiwan–Luzon Volcanic Belt Indicates Fast Diversification History of <i>Pachyrhynchus</i> Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)”, Insect Systematics and Diversity, 6(6), 4. (SCIE) (IF: 2.841; SCI ranking: 18%)
- Lee Tracy Jiaye, Liu Yu-Ching, Liu Wei-An, Lin Yu-Fei, Lee Hsin-Han, Ke Huei-Mien, Huang Jen-Pan, Lu Mei-Yeh Jade, Hsieh Chia-Lun, Chung Kuo-Fang, Liti Gianni, Tsai Isheng Jason, 2022, “Extensive sampling of <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> in Taiwan reveals ecology and evolution of predomesticated lineages”, Genome Research, 32, 864-877. (SCIE) (IF: 9.438; SCI ranking: 11.1%,8.1%,6.2%)
- Keuler Rachel, Jensen Jacob, Barcena-Peña Alejandrina, Grewe Felix, Thorsten Lumbsch H., Huang Jen-Pan, Leavitt Steven D., 2022, “Interpreting phylogenetic conflict: Hybridization in the most speciose genus of lichen-forming fungi”, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 174, 107543. (SCIE) (IF: 5.019; SCI ranking: 36.7%,21.2%,21.5%)
- Chou Ming-Hsun, Chu I-Hsuan, Lau Daniel, Huang Jen-Pan*, 2022, “Integrative species delimitation reveals fine-scale allopatric speciation in a good-flying insect: a case study on Cylindera pseudocylindriformis complex (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae)”, Invertebrate Systematics, 36(10), 910. (SCIE) (IF: 2.364; SCI ranking: 73.1%,23.2%)
- Wang Liang-Jong, Chou Yen-Wei, Huang Jen-Pan*, 2022, “Testing the Effect of Sampling Effort on Inferring Phylogeographic History in Psolodesmus mandarinus (Calopterygidae, Odonata)”, Diversity-Basel, 14(10), 809. (SCIE) (IF: 3.031; SCI ranking: 38.5%,47.1%)
- Morgan Brett, Wang Tzi-Yuan, Chen Yi-Zhen, Moctezuma Victor, Burgos Oscar, Le My Hanh, Huang Jen-Pan*, 2022, “Long-read Sequencing Data Reveals Dynamic Evolution of Mitochondrial Genome Size and the Phylogenetic Utility of Mitochondrial DNA in Hercules Beetles (<i>Dynastes</i>; Scarabaeidae)”, Genome Biology and Evolution, 14(10), 1-14. (SCIE) (IF: 4.065; SCI ranking: 32.7%,41.2%)
- Morgan Brett, Huang Jen-Pan*, 2021, “Isolation by geographical distance after release from Pleistocene refugia explains genetic and phenotypic variation in Xylotrupes siamensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)”, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 192(1), 117–129. (SCIE) (IF: 3.838; SCI ranking: 4.5%)
- White Dawson M, Huang Jen-Pan, Jara-Muñoz Orlando Adolfo, MadriñáN Santiago, Ree Richard H, Mason-Gamer Roberta J, 2021, “The Origins of Coca: Museum Genomics Reveals Multiple Independent Domestications from Progenitor Erythroxylum gracilipes”, Systematic Biology, 70(1), 1-13.
- De Vivo Mattia, Wang Wen-Hong, Chen Ko-Hsuan, Huang Jen-Pan, 2021, “First detection of Colletotrichum fructicola (Ascomycota) on horsehair worms (Nematomorpha)”, Biodiversity Data Journal, 9, e72798. (SCIE) (IF: 1.55; SCI ranking: 70.8%)
- Widhelm Todd J., Grewe Felix, Huang Jen‐Pan, Ramanauskas Karolis, Mason‐Gamer Roberta, Lumbsch H. Thorsten, 2021, “Using RADseq to understand the circum‐Antarctic distribution of a lichenized fungus, Pseudocyphellaria glabra”, Journal of Biogeography, 48(1), 78-90. (SCIE) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 23.6%,18%)
- Huang Jen‐Pan, Morgan Brett, 2021, “Evolution of adult male horn developmental phenotypes and character displacement in Xylotrupes beetles (Scarabaeidae)”, Ecology and Evolution, 11(10), 5503-5510. (SCIE) (IF: 3.167; SCI ranking: 43.1%,51.9%)
- Huang Jen-Pan, 2021, “The Genealogical Divergence Index Across a Speciation Continuum in Hercules Beetles”, Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5(6), 1. (SCIE) (IF: 2.841; SCI ranking: 18%)
- Chou Ming-Hsun, Tseng Wei-Zhe, Sang Yao-De, Morgan Brett, De Vivo Mattia, Kuan Yi-Hsiu, Wang Liang-Jong, Chen Wei-Yun, Huang Jen-Pan, 2021, “Incipient speciation and its impact on taxonomic decision: a case study using a sky island sister-species pair of stag beetles (Lucanidae: Lucanus)”, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 134(3), 745-759. (SCIE) (IF: 2.277; SCI ranking: 75%)
- Autumn Kendra, Barcenas-Peña Alejandrina, Kish-Levine Samantha, Huang Jen-Pan*, Lumbsch H. Thorsten, 2020, “Repeated Colonization Between Arid and Seasonal Wet Habitats, Frequent Transition Among Substrate Preferences, and Chemical Diversity in Western Australian Xanthoparmelia Lichens”, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8. (SCIE) (IF: 4.496; SCI ranking: 25.9%)
- Huang Jen-Pan, Hill JoVonn G., Ortego Joaquín, Knowles L. Lacey, 2020, “Paraphyletic species no more – genomic data resolve a Pleistocene radiation and validate morphological species of the Melanoplus scudderi complex (Insecta: Orthoptera)”, Systematic Entomology, 45(3) 594-605. (SCIE) (IF: 4.841; SCI ranking: 7%,25%)
- Huang Jen‐Pan, 2020, “Is population subdivision different from speciation? From phylogeography to species delimitation”, Ecology and Evolution, 10(14), 6890-6896. (SCIE) (IF: 3.167; SCI ranking: 43.1%,51.9%)
- Fischer Georg, Friedman Nicholas R., Huang Jen-Pan, Narula Nitish, Knowles L. Lacey, Fisher Brian L., Mikheyev Alexander S., Economo Evan P., 2020, “Socially Parasitic Ants Evolve a Mosaic of Host-Matching and Parasitic Morphological Traits”, Current Biology, 30(18), 3639-3646.e4. (SCIE) (IF: 10.9; SCI ranking: 8.8%,3.2%,15.9%)
- Friedman Nicholas R., Lecroq Bennet Beatrice, Fischer Georg, Sarnat Eli M., Huang Jen‐Pan, Knowles L. Lacey Knowles, Economo Evan P., 2020, “Macroevolutionary integration of phenotypes within and across ant worker castes”, Ecology and Evolution, 10, 9371-9383.. (SCIE) (IF: 3.167; SCI ranking: 43.1%,51.9%)
- Keuler Rachel, Garretson Alexis, Saunders Theresa, Erickson Robert J., St. Andre Nathan, Grewe Felix, Smith Hayden, Lumbsch H. Thorsten, Huang Jen-Pan, St. Clair Larry L., Leavitt Steven D.*, 2020, “Genome-scale data reveal the role of hybridization in lichen-forming fungi”, Scientific Reports, 10(1),1497. (SCIE) (IF: 4.997; SCI ranking: 25.7%)
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