我是位演化生物學家。三個小孩的爸。專長為遺傳及微生物基因體學跟洗奶瓶。喜歡臺灣的人、事、物,在實驗室角落研究並追尋迷人的微生物演化史。實驗室的網站: Tsai Lab。 也寫一個不常更新的網誌:Do good science
- Lee Yi-Chien, Tang Li-Lun, Yeh Yu-Chen, Li Hau-Wen, Ke Huei-Mien, Yang Cheng-Ju, Chiang Chun-I, Wang Chia-Hui, Tseng Yung-Che, Chang Ching-Fong, Tsai Isheng Jason*, Wu Guan-Chung*, 2025, “Detection of genetic sex using a qPCR-based method in the bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)”, Aquaculture Reports, 40, 102644. (SCIE) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking: 16.4%)
- Lin Chieh-Ping, Lin Yu-Fei, Liu Yu-Ching, Lu Mei-Yeh Jade, Ke Huei-Mien, 「Tsai Isheng Jason」*, 2025, “Spatiotemporal dynamics reveal high turnover and contrasting assembly processes in fungal communities across contiguous habitats of tropical forests”, Environmental Microbiome, 20(1), 1-16. (SCIE) (IF: 7.9; SCI ranking: 9.9%,14.1%)
- Tsai IJ*, 2025, “Detecting Assembly Errors With Klumpy: Building Confidence in Your Daily Genomic Analysis.”, Molecular ecology resources, 25(1), e14037. (SCIE) (IF: 7.7; SCI ranking: 14%,5.3%,9.4%)
- LEONG WENG-I, YU JR-KAI, TSAI ISHENG JASON, KACZMAREK ŁUKASZ, LEE YI-CHIEN, LIN CHUNG-PING, 2024, “Echiniscus gemmatussp. nov. (Heterotardigrada: Echiniscidae; the spinulosus morphogroup) from Macau, China”, Zootaxa, 5551(2), 333-352. (SCIE) (IF: 0.9; SCI ranking: 70.1%)
- Mattos FMG, Dreyer N, Fong CL, Wen YV, Jain D, De Vivo M, Huang YS, Mwihaki JK, Wang TY, Ho MJ, Tsai IJ, Wang J, Chan BKK, Machida RJ, 2024, “Potential PCR amplification bias in identifying complex ecological patterns: Higher species compositional homogeneity revealed in smaller-size coral reef zooplankton by metatranscriptomics.”, Molecular ecology resources, 24(3), e13911. (SCIE) (IF: 7.7; SCI ranking: 14%,5.3%,9.4%)
- Sun PF, Lu MR, Liu YC, Shaw BJP, Lin CP, Chen HW, Lin YF, Hoh DZ, Ke HM, Wang IF, Lu MJ, Young EB, Millett J, Kirschner R, Lin YJ, Chen YL, Tsai IJ*, 2024, “An acidophilic fungus promotes prey digestion in a carnivorous plant.”, Nature microbiology, 9(10), 2522-2537. (SCIE) (IF: 28.3; SCI ranking: 3.7%)
- Liu TY, Chen CH, Ko YC, Wu ZC, Liao TZ, Lee HH, Tsai IJ, Chang TT, Wu ML, Tsai JN, Klopfenstein NB, Kim MS, Stewart JE, Atibalentja N, Brooks FE, Cannon PG, Farid AM, Hattori T, Kwan HS, Ching Lam RY, Ota Y, Sahashi N, Schlub RL, Shuey LS, Tang AMC, Chung CL, 2024, “Development and Evaluation of Real-Time Quantitative PCR Assays for Detection of Phellinus noxius Causing Brown Root Rot Disease.”, Plant disease, 108(11), 3288-3299. (SCIE) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 18%)
- Pontes Ana, Paraíso Francisca, Liu Yu-Ching, Limtong Savitree, Jindamorakot Sasitorn, Jespersen Lene, Gonçalves Carla, Rosa Carlos A.,Tsai Isheng Jason, Rokas Antonis, Hittinger Chris Todd, Gonçalves Paula, Sampaio José Paulo, 2024, “Tracking alternative versions of the galactose gene network in the genus Saccharomyces and their expansion after domestication”, iScience, 1-20, 108987. (SCIE) (IF: 6.107; SCI ranking: 20.3%)
- Sahu Neha, Indic Boris, Wong-Bajracharya Johanna, Merényi Zsolt, Ke Huei-Mien, Ahrendt Steven, Monk Tori-Lee, Kocsubé Sándor, Drula Elodie, Lipzen Anna, Bálint Balázs, Henrissat Bernard, Andreopoulos Bill, Martin Francis M., Bugge Harder Christoffer, Rigling Daniel, Ford Kathryn L., Foster Gary D., Pangilinan Jasmyn, Papanicolaou Alexie, Barry Kerrie, LaButti Kurt, Virágh Máté, Koriabine Maxim, Yan Mi, Riley Robert, Champramary Simang, Plett Krista L., Grigoriev Igor V., 「Tsai Isheng Jason」, Slot Jason, Sipos György, Plett Jonathan, Nagy László G., 2023, “Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in the fungal genus Armillaria”, Nature Microbiology, 1, 1. (SCIE) (IF: 30.964; SCI ranking: 3.6%)
- Lee Yi-Chien, Ke Huei-Mien, Liu Yu-Ching, Lee Hsin-Han, Wang Min-Chen, Tseng Yung-Che, Kikuchi Taisei, Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2023, “Single-worm long-read sequencing reveals genome diversity in free-living nematodes”, Nucleic Acids Research, gkad647, 1. (SCIE) (IF: 19.16; SCI ranking: 2.7%)
- Chen Yu-Chen, Chen Chia-Ying, Chiang Tai-Wei, Chan Ming-Hsien, Hsiao Michael, Ke Huei-Mien, 「Tsai Isheng Jason」, Chuang Trees-Juen, 2023, “Detecting intragenic <i>trans</i>-splicing events from non-co-linearly spliced junctions by hybrid sequencing”, Nucleic Acids Research, gkad623, 1. (SCIE) (IF: 19.16; SCI ranking: 2.7%)
- Lai CK, Lee YC, Ke HM, Lu MR, Liu WA, Lee HH, Liu YC, Yoshiga T, Kikuchi T, Chen PJ, Tsai IJ, 2023, “The Aphelenchoides genomes reveal substantial horizontal gene transfers in the last common ancestor of free-living and major plant-parasitic nematodes.”, Molecular ecology resources, 10.1111/1755-0998.13, 1. (SCIE) (IF: 8.678; SCI ranking: 14.5%,5.2%,11.5%)
- Liao Ting-Zhi, Chen Yu-Hsuan, Tsai Jyh-Nong, Chao Chieh, Huang Tzu-Pi, Hong Cheng-Fang, Wu Zong-Chi, Tsai Isheng Jason, Lee Hsin-Han, Klopfenstein Ned Brian, Kim Mee-Sook, Stewart Jane E., Atibalentja Ndeme, Brooks Fred E., Cannon Phil, Mohd Farid Ahmad, Hattori Tsutomu, Kwan Hoi-Shan, Lam Yau-Ching Regent, Ota Yuko, Sahashi Norio, Schlub Robert L., Shuey Louise S., Tang Alvin M. C., Chung Chia-Lin, 2022, “Translocation of fungicides and their efficacy in controlling Phellinus noxius, the cause of brown root rot disease”, Plant Disease, 107, 10.1094/PDIS-06-22-1285-RE. (SCIE) (IF: 4.614; SCI ranking: 17.5%)
- Hoh Daphne Z., Lee Hsin-Han, Wada Naohisa, Liu Wei-An, Lu Min R., Lai Cheng-Kuo, Ke Huei-Mien, Sun Pei-Feng, Tang Sen-Lin, Chung Wen-Hsin, Chen Ying-Lien, Chung Chia-Lin, Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2022, “Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of trans-kingdom pathogen Fusarium solani species complex reveal degrees of compartmentalization”, BMC Biology, 20(1), 10.1186/s12915-022-01436-7. (SCIE) (IF: 7.364; SCI ranking: 10.6%)
- Chen Chia-Yu, Wu Zong-Chi, Liu Tse-Yen, Yu Shiang-Shiuan, Tsai Jyh-Nong, Tsai Yu-Chang, Tsai Isheng Jason, Chung Chia-Lin, 2022, “Investigation of asymptomatic infection of Phellinus noxius in herbaceous plants”, Phytopathology, 113, 10.1094/PHYTO-08-22-0281-R. (SCIE) (IF: 4.01; SCI ranking: 21.7%)
- Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2022, “The teenage years of yeast population genomics — trace history, admixing and getting wilder”, CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT, 75, 101942. (SCIE) (IF: 4.665; SCI ranking: 51.3%,27.1%)
- De Vivo Mattia, Lee Hsin-Han, Huang Yu-Sin, Dreyer Niklas, Fong Chia-Ling, de Mattos Felipe Monteiro Gomes, Jain Dharmesh, Wen Yung-Hui Victoria, Mwihaki John Karichu, Wang Tzi-Yuan, Machida Ryuji J., Wang John, Chan Benny K. K., Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2022, “Utilisation of Oxford Nanopore sequencing to generate six complete gastropod mitochondrial genomes as part of a biodiversity curriculum”, Scientific Reports, 12(1), 10.1038/s41598-022-14121-0. (SCIE) (IF: 4.997; SCI ranking: 25.7%)
- Mozzachiodi Simone, Bai Feng‐Yan, Baldrian Petr, Bell Graham, Boundy‐Mills Kyria, Buzzini Pietro, Čadež Neža, Cubillos Francisco A., Dashko Sofia, Dimitrov Roumen, Fisher Kaitlin J., Gibson Brian, Gouliamova Dilnora, Greig Duncan, Heistinger Lina, Hittinger Chris Todd, Jecmenica Marina, Koufopanou Vassiliki, Landry Christian R., Mašínová Tereza, Naumova Elena S., Opulente Dana, Peña Jacqueline J., Petrovič Uroš, Tsai Isheng Jason, Turchetti Benedetta, Villarreal Pablo, Yurkov Andrey, Liti Gianni, Boynton Primrose, 2022, “Yeasts from temperate forests”, Yeast, 39(1-2), 4-24. (SCIE) (IF: 3.325; SCI ranking: 65.7%,53.4%,60.1%,53.3%)
- Lee Tracy J, Liu Yuching, Liu Wei-An, Lin Yu-Fei, Lee Hsin-Han, Ke Huei-Mien, Huang Jen-Pen, Lu Mei-Yeh Jade, Hsieh Chia-Lun, Chung Kuo-Fang, Liti Gianni, Tsai Isheng J*, 2022, “Extensive sampling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Taiwan reveals ecology and evolution of predomesticated lineages”, Genome Research, gr.276286.121. (SCIE) (IF: 9.438; SCI ranking: 11.1%,8.1%,6.2%)
- Wu Yun-Zhe, Jiang Hang-Shiang, Han Hsiao-Fen, Li Po-Hsuan, Lu Min R., Tsai Isheng Jason, Wu Yi-Chun, 2022, “C. elegans BLMP-1 controls apical epidermal cell morphology by repressing expression of mannosyltransferase bus-8 and molting signal mlt-8”, Developmental Biology, 486, 96-108. (SCIE) (IF: 3.148; SCI ranking: 37.5%)
- Ng Chen Siang, Lai Cheng-Kuo, Ke Huei-Mien, Lee Hsin-Han, Chen Chih-Feng, Tang Pin-Chi, Cheng Hsu-Chen, Lu Meiyeh J., Li Wen-Hsiung*, Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2022, “Genome assembly and evolutionary analysis of the mandarin duck <i>Aix galericulata</i> reveal strong genome conservation among ducks”, Genome Biology and Evolution, 14(6), evac083. (SCIE) (IF: 4.065; SCI ranking: 32.7%,41.2%)
- Shinya Ryoji, Sun Simo, Dayi Mehmet, Tsai Isheng Jason, Miyama Atsushi, Chen Anthony Fu, Hasegawa Koichi, Antoshechkin Igor, Kikuchi Taisei, Sternberg Paul W., 2022, “Possible stochastic sex determination in Bursaphelenchus nematodes”, Nature Communications, 13(1), 2574. (SCIE) (IF: 17.694; SCI ranking: 8.1%)
- YF Lin, CM Sung, HM Ke, WA Liu, HY Huang, MJ Lu, IJ Tsai* and SY Hsieh*, 2021, “The rectal mucosal but not fecal microbiota detects subclinical ulcerative colitis”, gut microbes, 13, 1-13. (SCIE) (IF: 9.434; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.8%)
- Liu Tse‐Yen, Chen Chao‐Han, Yang Yu‐Liang, Tsai Isheng J., Ho Ying‐Ning, Chung Chia‐Lin, 2021, “The brown root rot fungus Phellinus noxius affects microbial communities in different root‐associated niches of Ficus trees”, Environmental Microbiology, 24(1), 276-297. (SCIE) (IF: 5.476; SCI ranking: 30.4%)
- HM Ke* and IJ Tsai*, 2021, “Understanding and using fungal bioluminescence – recent progress and future perspectives”, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 33, 100570. (SCIE) (IF: 8.843; SCI ranking: 17.8%,27.7%)
- YH Cheng, CFJ Liu, YH Yu, YT Jhou, M Fujishima, IJ Tsai, JY Leu, 2020, “Genome plasticity in Paramecium bursaria revealed by population genomics”, BMC BIOLOGY, 18, 180. (SCIE, Scopus) (IF: 7.364; SCI ranking: 10.6%)
- Yang Ching-Ting, Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun Guillermo, Gonçalves A. Pedro, Lin Hung-Che, Chang Ching-Wen, Huang Tsung-Yu, Chen Sheng-An, Lai Cheng-Kuo, Tsai Isheng J., Schroeder Frank C., Stajich Jason E., Hsueh Yen-Ping, 2020, “Natural diversity in the predatory behavior facilitates the establishment of a robust model strain for nematode-trapping fungi”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 117(12), 6762-6770. (SCIE) (IF: 12.779; SCI ranking: 12.2%)
- Chang Ed-Haun, Tsai Isheng Jason, Jien Shih-Hao, Tian Guanglong, Chiu Chih-Yu, 2020, “Biogeographic Changes in Forest Soil Microbial Communities of Offshore Islands—A Case Study of Remote Islands in Taiwan”, Forests, 12(1), 4. (SCIE) (IF: 3.282; SCI ranking: 20%)
- M Dayi, S Sun, Y Maeda, R Tanaka, A Yoshida, IJ Tsai, T Kikuchi, 2020, “Nearly Complete Genome Assembly of the Pinewood Nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Strain Ka4C1”, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9(42), e01002-20.
- EP Chu, CH Lin, CHH Cho, IF Cheng, TC Kuo, RY Chen, CN Liao, JC Cheng, IJ Tsai, PC Wang, SJ Chang and CN Shen, 2020, “Establishment of three human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from a type 1 diabetic family harboring sequence variants associated with autoimmunity”, STEM CELL RESEARCH, 49, 102029. (SCIE) (IF: 1.587; SCI ranking: 90.7%,96.6%,95.4%)
- Hoh Daphne Z., Lin Yu-Fei, Liu Wei-An, Sidique Siti Nordahliawate Mohamed, Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2020, “Nest microbiota and pathogen abundance in sea turtle hatcheries”, Fungal Ecology, 47, 100964. (SCIE) (IF: 4.204; SCI ranking: 31.6%,30%)
- Ke Huei-Mien, Lee Hsin-Han, Lin Chan-Yi Ivy, Liu Yu-Ching, Lu Min R., Hsieh Jo-Wei Allison, Chang Chiung-Chih, Wu Pei-Hsuan, Lu Meiyeh Jade, Li Jeng-Yi, Shang Gaus, Lu Rita Jui-Hsien, Nagy László G., Chen Pao-Yang, Kao Hsiao-Wei, Tsai Isheng Jason*, 2020, “Mycena genomes resolve the evolution of fungal bioluminescence”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 117(49), 31267-31277. (SCIE) (IF: 12.779; SCI ranking: 12.2%)
- Lu MR, Lai CK, Liao BY, Tsai IJ*, 2020, “Comparative transcriptomics across nematode life cycles reveal gene expression conservation and correlated evolution in adjacent developmental stages.”, Genome biology and evolution, 12(7), 1019-1030. (SCIE) (IF: 4.065; SCI ranking: 32.7%,41.2%)
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