- 珊瑚與珊瑚礁演化
- 珊瑚礁生態與環境變遷
- 共生學
- Li Keat Lee*, Ya Yi Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen, Mei Lin Neo, Kieng Soon Hii, Haifeng Gu, Po Teen Lim & Chui Pin Leaw*, 2024, “Genetic patchiness of the endangered giant clam Tridacna maxima from Peninsular Malaysia”, CORAL REEFS, (2024), (2024)-(2024). (SCIE) (IF: 3.5; SCI ranking: 10.1%)
- Tsung-Han Liu, Ming-Shiou Jeng, Chan-Yuan David Lee, Chih-Wei Tu, Po- Hsiung Lin, Chaolun Allen Chen, Chia-Ying Ko*, 2024, “Natural shading is helpful but not sufficient for mitigating warming in green sea turtle nests in the tropical South China Sea”, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 299(2024), 110807-110807. (SCIE) (IF: 5.9; SCI ranking: 7.7%,10.5%,23.3%)
- Kamata, Masumi; Kitano, Yuko F; Iguchi, Akira; Nozawa, Yoko; Nagai, Satoshi; Chen, Chaolun Allen; Wada, Naohisha; Tang, Sen-Lin; Yamakita, Takehisha; Taninaka, Hiroki; Yasuda, Nina, 2024, “Genetic divergence of Pocillopora damicornis between temperate and subtropical regions: the need to monitor hidden genetic lineage distribution with regard to migration-load risks under climate change”, BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, 2023:0150, 2023:0150-2023:0150. (SCIE) (IF: 1.5; SCI ranking: 55%,73%)
- Carolin Nieder, Siobhan Jean Heatwole, Chen-Pan Liao, Chen-Lu Lee, Chaolun Allen Chen, Shao-Lun Liu*, 2024, “Testing sea urchin and green sea turtle consumption of the allelopathic macroalga Galaxaura divaricata”(90), ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 14(4), 14:e11324-14:e11324. (SCIE) (IF: 2.6; SCI ranking: 49.7%,54.7%)
- Li Keat Lee, Mei Lin Neo, Kieng Soon Hii, Haifeng Gu, Chaolun Allen Chen, Po Teen Lim, Chui Pin Leaw*, 2024, “Vanishing giants: An assessment on the population status of giant clams across Malaysia”, REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, 74(2024):103546, 74(2024):103546-74(2024):103546. (SCIE) (IF: 2.1; SCI ranking: 58.5%,35.8%)
- Ya-Yi Huang, Ting-Ru Chen, Kim Phuong Lai, Chao-Yang Kuo, Ming-Jay Ho, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Yi-Chia Hsin*, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2024, “Poleward migration of tropical corals inhibited by future trends of seawater temperature and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) saturation”, Science of The Total Environment, 929, 172562-172562. (SCIE) (IF: 9.8; SCI ranking: 9.5%)
- Chao-Yang Kuo, Chun-Yen Lin, Ming-Jay Ho & Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2023, “New depth record for oval squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, egg capsules in a mesophotic coral ecosystem natural habitat”, MARINE BIODIVERSITY, 53, 68-68. (SCIE) (IF: 1.815; SCI ranking: 55.4%,55.8%)
- Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu, Mathilde Loubeyres, Vianney Denis*, Stéphane De Palmas, Sung-Jin Hwang, Seonock Woo, Jun-Im Song & Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2023, “Jeju Island: a sentinel for tracking ocean warming impacts on high-latitude benthic communities”, CORAL REEFS, 42, 1097-1112. (SCIE) (IF: 4.64; SCI ranking: 8.8%)
- Crystal J. McRae, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Hung-Kai Chen, Zong-Min Ye, Pei-Jie Meng, Sabrina L. Rosset, Wen-Bin Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen, Tung-Yung Fan, Isabelle M. Côté, 2023, “Baseline dynamics of Symbiodiniaceae genera and photochemical efficiency in corals from reefs with different thermal histories”, PEERJ, 11:e15421, 11:e15421-11:e15421. (SCIE) (IF: 3.061; SCI ranking: 44.6%)
- Chao-Yang Kuo, Chen-Han Tsai, Ya-Yi Huang, Wei Khang Heng, An-Tzi Hsiao, Hernyi Justin Hsieh and Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2022, “Fine intervals are required when using point intercept transects to assess coral reef status”, FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 9:795512, 9:795512-9:795512. (SCIE) (IF: 5.247; SCI ranking: 5.3%)
- Shashank Keshavmurthy, Ting-Ru Chen, Pei-Jen Liu, Jih-Terng Wang, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2022, “Learning from the past is not enough to survive present and future bleaching threshold temperatures”, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 852(2022) 158379. (SCIE) (IF: 10.754; SCI ranking: 9.3%)
- Crystal J. McRae, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Pei-Jie Meng, Sabrina L. Rosset, Wen-Bin Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen, Tung-Yung Fan* & Isabelle M. Côté, 2022, “Variable responses to chronic and acute elevated temperature of three coral species from reefs with distinct thermal regimes”, Marine Biology, 169(97), 169(97)-169(97). (SCIE) (IF: 2.941; SCI ranking: 29.2%)
- Savanna Wenhua Chow, Shashank Keshavmurthy, James Davis Reimer, Nicole de Voogd, Hui Huang, Jih-Terng Wang, Sen-Lin Tang, Peter J. Schupp, Chun Hong Tan, Hock-Chark Liew, Keryea Soong, Beginer Subhan, Hawis Madduppa* and Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2022, “Population genetics and demography of the coral-killing cyanobacteriosponge, Terpios hoshinota, in the Indo-West Pacific”, PeerJ, 10:e13451, 10:e13451-10:e13451. (SCIE) (IF: 3.061; SCI ranking: 44.6%)
- Nathan William Price, Kao-Sung Chen, Chaolun Allen Chen & Colin Kuo-Chang Wen*, 2022, “Scraping and grazing herbivorous/detritivorous fish display opposite feeding behaviours under different protection regulations”, Marine Biology Research, 17, 9-10. (SCIE) (IF: 1.609; SCI ranking: 78.7%,63.7%)
- Yu-Hsiang Chen, Hsing-Ju Chen, Cheng-Yu Yang, Jia-Ho Shiu, Daphne Z. Hoh, Pei-Wen Chiang, Wenhua Savanna Chow, Chaolun Allen Chen, Tin-Han Shih, Szu-Hsien Lin, Chi-Ming Yang, James Davis Reimer, Euichi Hirose, Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar, Hui Huang, Peter J. Schupp, Chun Hong James Tan, Hideyuki Yamashiro, Ming-Hui Liao, Sen-Lin Tang*, 2022, “Prevalence, complete genome, and metabolic potentials of a phylogenetically novel cyanobacterial symbiont in the coral-killing sponge, Terpios hoshinota”, ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 24(3), 1308-1325. (SCIE) (IF: 5.476; SCI ranking: 30.4%)
- Jih-Terng Wang*, Yi-Ting Wang, Chaolun Allen Chen, Pei-Jei Meng, Kwee Siong Tew, Pei-Wen Chiang, Sen-Lin Tang*, 2022, “Extra high superoxide dismutase in host tissue is associated with improving bleaching resistance in “thermal adapted” and Durusdinium trenchii-associating coral”, PeerJ, 10:e12746, 10:e12746-10:e12746. (SCIE) (IF: 3.061; SCI ranking: 44.6%)
- Mu-Han Chen, Ya-Yi Huang*, Bi-Ying Huang, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Jen Nie Lee, Mei Lin Neo, Hironobu Fukami, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2022, “Historical Connectivity and Demography of the Ferocious Reef Crab, Eriphia ferox (Crustacea; Eriphiidae), Demonstrate That Taoyuan Algal Reef Is an Essential Population Source Along the East Taiwan Strait”, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:799989, 8:799989-8:799989. (SCIE) (IF: 5.247; SCI ranking: 5.3%)
- Heng WK, Ho M-J, Kuo C-Y, Huang Y-Y, Ko C-Y, Jeng M-S, Chen CA*, 2022, “Crown-of-thorns starfish outbreak at Taiping Island (Itu Aba), Spratlys, South China Sea”, Bulletin of Marine Science, 98(1), 101-102. (SCIE) (IF: 1.689; SCI ranking: 60.2%,71.2%)
- Chao-Yang Kuo, Ming-Jay Ho, Wei Khang Heng, Ya-Yi Huang, Chia-Ying Ko, Guo-Chen Jiang, Ming-Shiou Jeng* & Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “What is for dessert? Crown-of-thorns starfish feeds on non-scleractinian anthozoans at Taiping Island (Itu Aba), Spratlys, South China Sea”, Marine Biodiversity, 52, 2 (2022), 52, 2 (2022)-52, 2 (2022). (SCIE) (IF: 1.815; SCI ranking: 55.4%,55.8%)
- Derek Soto*, Stéphane De Palmas*, Ming-Jay Ho*, Vianney Denis*, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “A molecular census of early-life stage scleractinian corals in shallow and mesophotic zones”, Ecology and Evolution, 11(21), 14573-14584. (SCIE) (IF: 3.167; SCI ranking: 43.1%,51.9%)
- Stéphane de Palmas, Derek Soto, Ming-Jay Ho, Vianney Denis* , Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “Strong horizontal and vertical connectivity in the coral Pocillopora verrucosa from Ludao, Taiwan, a small oceanic island”, PLOS ONE, 16(10): e0258181. (SCIE) (IF: 3.752; SCI ranking: 39.2%)
- Stéphane De Palmas, Vianney Denis*, Derek Soto, Yuting Vicky Lin, Ming-Jay Ho & Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “Scleractinian diversity in the upper mesophotic zone of Ludao (Taiwan): a museum collection with new records from Taiwanese waters”, Marine Biodiversity, 51, 80. (SCIE) (IF: 1.815; SCI ranking: 55.4%,55.8%)
- Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu, Pierre-Alexandre Château, Vianney Denis and Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “Portraying Gradients of Structural Complexity in Coral Reefs Using Fine-Scale Depth Profiles”, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:675853, 8:675853-8:675853. (SCIE) (IF: 5.247; SCI ranking: 5.3%)
- Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu, Vianney Denis, Pierre-Alexandre Château, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “Impacts of heat stress and storm events on the benthic communities of Kenting National Park (Taiwan)”, PEERJ, 9, e11744. (SCIE) (IF: 3.061; SCI ranking: 44.6%)
- Parisa Alidoost Salimi, Pargol Ghavam Mostafavi, Chaolun Allen Chen, Michel Pichon & Mahsa Alidoost Salimi, 2021, “Molecular phylogeny of some coral species from the Persian Gulf”, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS, 48, 2993-2999. (SCIE) (IF: 2.742; SCI ranking: 79.8%)
- Ashley H Y Bang, Chao-Yang Kuo, Colin Kuo-Chang Wen, Khah-Leng Cherh, Ming-Jay Ho, Nien-Yun Cheng, Yen-Chia Chen and Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2021, “Corrigendum: Quantifying Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change and Human Development: An Evaluation of Multiple Empirical Frameworks”, Frontiers in Marine Science-Coral Reef Research, 8:653404, 653404.
- Ming-Jay HO, Chao-Yang KUO, Hung-Yi WU, Ming-Shiou JENG, Shiahn-Wern SHYUE*, Chaolun Allen CHEN*, 2020, “Fishing pressure occurs down to the lower mesophotic coral ecosystem in Lyudao, Taiwan”, Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 22(1), 29-30.
- Shashank Keshavmurthy, Chao-Yang Kuo, Ya-Yi Huang, Rodrigo Carballo-Bolaños, Pei-Jei Meng*, Jih-Terng Wang* and Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2020, “Correction: Keshavmurthy, S., et al. Coral Reef Resilience in Taiwan: Lessons from Long-Term Ecological Research on the Coral Reefs of Kenting National Park (Taiwan). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2019, 7, 338”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(12), 964. (SCIE) (IF: 2.744; SCI ranking: 25%,50%,39.4%)
- Shashank Keshavmurthy*, Morgan Beals, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, Kwang-Sik Choi, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2020, “Physiological plasticity of corals to temperature stress in marginal coral communities”, Science of The Total Environment, 758, 143628. (SCIE) (IF: 10.754; SCI ranking: 9.3%)
- Juliet Furaha Karisa, David Obare Obura, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2020, “Spatial heterogeneity of coral reef benthic communities in Kenya”, PLOS ONE, 15(8), e0237397. (SCIE) (IF: 3.752; SCI ranking: 39.2%)
- Chao-Yang Kuo, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Aichi Chung, Ya-Yi Huang, Sung-Yin Yang, Yei-Chia Chen & Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2020, “Demographic census confirms a stable population of the critically-endangered caryophyllid coral Polycyathus chaishanensis (Scleractinia; Caryophyllidae) in the Datan Algal Reef, Taiwan”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10, 10585. (SCIE) (IF: 4.997; SCI ranking: 25.7%)
- Ya-Yi Huang, Rodrigo Carballo-Bolaños, Chao-Yang Kuo, Shashank Keshavmurthy & Chaolun A. Chen*, 2020, “Leptoria phrygia in Southern Taiwan shuffles and switches symbionts to resist thermal-induced bleaching”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10(1), 7808. (SCIE) (IF: 4.997; SCI ranking: 25.7%)
- Shashank Keshavmurthy, Hwee Sze Tee, Kuo-Wei Kao, Jih-Terng Wang*, Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2020, “Specificity trumps flexibility—location-based stable associations between Symbiodiniaceae genera and Platygyra verweyi (Scleractinia; Merulinidae)”, PEERJ, 8:e8791. (SCIE) (IF: 3.061; SCI ranking: 44.6%)
- Ji Hyoun Kang, Ji Eun Jang, Jae Hwan Kim, Sangil Kim, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Sylvain Agostini, James D. Reimer, Chaolun Allen Chen, Kwang-Sik Choi, Sang Rul Park and Hyuk Je Lee*, 2020, “The Origin of the Subtropical Coral Alveopora japonica (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in High-Latitude Environments”, FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 8, 12. (SCIE) (IF: 4.496; SCI ranking: 25.9%)
- Chao-Yang Kuo, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Ya-Yi Huang, Ming-Jay Ho, Hernyi Justin Hsieh, An-Tzi Hsiao, Wei-Cheng Lo, Yi-Chia Hsin & Chaolun Allen Chen*, 2023, “Transitional Coral Ecosystem of Taiwan in the Era of Changing Climate”, editor(s): Ichiro Takeuchi, Hideyuki Yamashiro, Coral Reefs of Eastern Asia under Anthropogenic Impacts, pp. 7-35, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2: Springer Cham.
- Shashank Keshavmurthy, Takuma Mezaki, James Davis Reimer, Kwang-Sik Choi & Chaolun Allen Chen, 2023, “Succession and Emergence of Corals in High-Latitude (Temperate) Areas of Eastern Asia into the Future”, editor(s): Ichiro Takeuchi, Hideyuki Yamashiro, Coral Reefs of Eastern Asia under Anthropogenic Impacts, pp. 53-71, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2: Springer Cham.
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