10/28 15:30_Prof. Wojciech Makałowski_How T2T Human Genome Assembly Enables Better Understanding of the Evolution of Transposable Elements
(Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics)
時間:2024. 10. 28 Mon. 15:30
地 點:跨領域科技研究大樓1樓演講廳
Webex link: https://asmeet.webex.com/asmeet/j.php?MTID=mdf4bfbc0792e6c5b528dd3cbe64a8e0f
Meeting number (access code): 2516 200 8985
Meeting password: Brc1028
演講者:Prof. Wojciech Makałowski
Professor and Director
Institute of Bioinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany
講題:How T2T Human Genome Assembly Enables Better Understanding of the Evolution of Transposable Elements