6/20 11:00 黃彥樺博士-The Role of Herbivore Behavior between Environmental Forces and Anthrax Dynamics
(Terrestrial Diversity and Ecosystems)
時間 :2022. 06. 20 Mon. 11:00
地 點:跨領域科技研究大樓 1樓演講廳
Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
講題:The Role of Herbivore Behavior between Environmental Forces and Anthrax Dynamics
Seminar also available online through Webex
Meeting Number: 2513 264 6672
Password: Brc0620
Environmental fluctuations are considered common driving forces of disease dynamics. However, animal host behavior interacting with environmental variation can also alter disease dynamics. This presentation will address the role of herbivore behavior especially movement behavior in the relationship between environmental forces and disease dynamics, focusing on anthrax in two national parks in southern Africa.