3/15 10:00 楊雨珊博士 - Learned Behavior as a Driver of Evolution: Sexual Selection, Local Adaptation, and Speciation
Online Seminar
(Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems)
時間:2022. 03. 15 Tue. 10:00
地 點:跨領域科技研究大樓 1樓演講廳
Biodiversity Postdoctoral Fellow
Living Earth Collaborative, Washington University
講題:Learned Behavior as a Driver of Evolution: Sexual Selection, Local Adaptation, and Speciation
Mating behaviors (e.g. mate choice, male-male competition) are the heart of sexual selection: they are both the key driver of sexual selection as well as its evolutionary product. My talk will discuss the evolution of mating behaviors, the role of innate vs learned behavior in sexual selection, and their subsequent impact on micro- and macroevolutionary processes in two vertebrate systems: the Neotropical poison frogs and the Trinidadian guppies.