3/10 15:00 何熙誠博士- Integrate Behaviour and Network Research to Understand Bio-interaction Mechanisms and Structures That Underpin Biodiversity
Online Seminar
(Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems)
時間:2022. 03. 10 Thu. 15:00
地 點:跨領域科技研究大樓 1樓演講廳
Postdoctoral Researcher
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Department of Aquatic Ecology, Switzerland
講題:Integrate Behaviour and Network Research to Understand Bio-interaction Mechanisms and Structures That Underpin Biodiversity
In nature, species do not exist in isolation. Through the behaviours they perform, they interact with surrounding biotic and abiotic components to form complex ecological networks that foster biodiversity and ecological functions. Therefore, to better understand and manage biodiversity, it is important to understand the underpinning behavioural mechanisms that drive these interactions and in turn shape the networks. In my presentation, I will highlight how behaviour can be integrated into the framework of network ecology to provide mechanistic understandings of community-level ecological patterns, with mutually reinforcing empirical and theoretical studies as examples. I will also expand the future scope of this integrated framework, in both terms of making scientific advances and handling real-world biodiversity challenges.