Spatial-temporal changes of marine biodiversity are crucial for the conservation management of marine ecosystems. Until now, long-term monitoring of marine biodiversity remains challenging due to the difficulties of surveying in underwater environments. In Marine Ecoacoustics and Informatics Lab, we develop remote sensing techniques of marine biodiversity and investigate biodiversity changes in response to various natural and anthropogenic stressors. For example, we developed techniques of soundscape information retrieval to separate biological, environmental, and anthropogenic sounds, and applied the results in assessing ecosystem dynamics. We also lead the “Ocean Biodiversity Listening Project” to establish a soundscape monitoring network that covers intertidal zones, estuaries, coral reefs, seagrass beds, continental shelves, hydrothermal vents. By transforming underwater sounds into indicators of habitat quality, biodiversity, and anthropogenic interference, the outcomes will allow managers and stakeholders to efficiently monitor the trends of marine ecosystems and perform data-driven decision making in conservation management.
Research Fields:
Ecoacoustics, Marine Ecology, Community Ecology, Ecological informatics
Research Topics:
- Monitoring of marine biodiversity via remote sensing (e.g., underwater acoustics)
- Investigating the mutual impacts among underwater soundscape, marine ecosystem, and society
- How does marine biodiversity respond to environmental change and human activities?
- Chiu, L., Wang, M.-C., Wei, C.-L., Lin, T.-H.*, Tseng, Y.-C.*, 2024, “A two-year physicochemical and acoustic observation reveals spatiotemporal effects of earthquake-induced shallow-water hydrothermal venting on the surrounding environments”, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY LETTERS, early view, 1-10. (SCIE) (IF: 7.8; SCI ranking: 4.5%,3.2%)
- Jeng, F.-C.*, Matzdorf, K. Hickman, K., Bauer, S., Carriero, A., McDonald, K., Lin, T.-H., Wang, C.-Y., 2024, “Advancing auditory processing by detecting frequency-following responses through a specialized machine learning model”, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 131, 417-431. (SSCI) (IF: ; )
- Lin, T.-H.*, Kawagucci, S.*, 2024, “Acoustic twilight: A year-long seafloor monitoring unveils phenological patterns in the abyssal soundscape”, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY LETTERS, 9, 23-32. (SCIE) (IF: 8.507; SCI ranking: 4.8%,3%)
- Ho, Y.-W., Lin, T.-H.*, Akamatsu, T., Karczmarski, L.*, 2024, “Fine-scale spatial variability of marine acoustic environment corresponds with habitat utilization of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in Hong Kong waters”, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 158, 111228. (SCIE) (IF: 6.263; SCI ranking: 24%)
- Giordano, A., Jeng, F.-C.*, Black, T., Bauer, S., Carriero, A., McDonald, K., Lin, T.-H., Wang, C.-Y., 2023, “Effects of silent intervals on the extraction of human frequency-following responses using non-negative matrix factorization”, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 130(5), 1834-1851. (SSCI) (IF: ; )
- Jeng, F.-C.*, Lin, T.-H., Hart, B. N., Montgomery-Reagan, K., McDonald, K., 2023, “Non-negative matrix factorization improves the efficiency of recording frequency-following responses in normal-hearing adults and neonates”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY, 62, 688-698. (SCIE) (IF: 2.437; SCI ranking: 40.7%,51.2%)
- Lin, T.-H.*, Sinniger, F.*, Harii, S., Akamatsu, T., 2023, “Using soundscapes to assess changes in coral reef social-ecological systems”, OCEANOGRAPHY, 36 (Supplement 1), 20-27. (SCIE) (IF: 2.158; SCI ranking: 60.6%)
- Sun, Y.-J., Yen, S.-C., Lin, T.-H.*, 2022, “soundscape_IR: A source separation toolbox for exploring acoustic diversity in soundscapes”, METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 13, 2347-2355. (SCIE) (IF: 8.335; SCI ranking: 5.7%)
- Wang, M.-C., Furukawa, F., Wang, C.-W., Peng, H.-W., Lin, C.-C., Lin, T.-H.*, Tseng, Y.-C.*, 2022, “Multigenerational inspections of environmental thermal perturbations promote metabolic trade-offs in developmental stages of tropical fish”, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 308, 119605. (SCIE) (IF: 9.988; SCI ranking: 10%)
- Parsons, M. J.*, Lin, T.-H., Mooney, T. A., Erbe, C., Juanes, F., Lammers, M., Li, S., Linke, S., Looby, A., Nedelec, S. L., Van Opzeeland, I. C., Radford, C. A., Rice, A. N., Sayigh, L., Stanley, J., Urban, E., Di Iorio, L., 2022, “Sounding the call for a global library of biological underwater sounds”, FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 10, 810156. (SCIE) (IF: 4.496; SCI ranking: 25.9%)
- Chen, C., Lin, T.-H.*, Watanabe, H. K., Akamatsu, T., Kawagucci, S., 2021, “Baseline soundscapes of deep-sea habitats reveal heterogeneity among ecosystems and sensitivity to anthropogenic impacts”, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 66, 3714-3727. (SCIE) (IF: 5.019; SCI ranking: 14.3%,6.1%)
- Heard, J., Tung, W.-C., Pei, Y.-D., Lin, T.-H., Lin, C.-H., Akamatsu, T., Wen, C. K. C.*, 2021, “Coastal development threatens area supporting greatest fish diversity at Taoyuan Algal Reef, NW Taiwan”, AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, 3, 590-604. (SCIE) (IF: 3.258; SCI ranking: 57.3%,16.8%,41.7%)
- Lin, T.-H.*, Akamatsu, T., Tsao, Y., 2021, “Sensing ecosystem dynamics via audio source separation: A case study of marine soundscapes off northeastern Taiwan”, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 17, e1008698. (SCIE) (IF: 4.779; SCI ranking: 25.3%,15.8%)
- Lin, T.-H.*, Akamatsu, T.*, Sinniger, F., Harii, S., 2021, “Exploring coral reef biodiversity via underwater soundscapes”, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 253, 108901. (SCIE) (IF: 7.499; SCI ranking: 7.7%,8%,16.1%)
- Lin, T.-H.*, Tsao, Y., 2020, “Source separation in ecoacoustics: A roadmap towards versatile soundscape information retrieval”, REMOTE SENSING IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 6, 236-247. (SCIE) (IF: 5.787; SCI ranking: 14.9%,26.5%)
- Mooney, T. A.*, Di Iorio, L., Lammers, M., Lin, T.-H., Nedelec, S., Parsons, M., Radford, C. A., Urban, E., Stanley, J., 2020, “Listening forward: Approaching marine biodiversity assessments using acoustic methods”, ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, 7, 201287. (SCIE) (IF: 3.653; SCI ranking: 40.5%)
- Tsai, K.-H., Wang, W.-C., Cheng, C.-H., Tsai, C.-Y., Wang, J.-K., Lin, T.-H., Fang, S.-H., Chen, L., Tsao, Y.*, 2020, “Blind monaural source separation on heart and lung sounds based on periodic-coded deep autoencoder”, IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 24, 3203-3214. (SCIE) (IF: 7.021; SCI ranking: 14%,18.8%,7%,22.6%)
- 赤松友成、Tzu-Hao Lin、波利井佐紀、Frederic Sinniger, 2020, “サンゴ礁における鳴音を用いた生物分布観測とサウンドスケープの季節変化。”, 超音波 Techno, 32(1), 19-22.
- Parsons, M. J. G.*, Looby, A., Chanda, K., Di Iorio, L., Erbe, C., Frazao, F., Havlik, M., Juanes, F., Lammers, M., Li, S., Liffers, M., Lin, T.-H., Linke, S., Mooney, T. A., Radford, C., Rice, A. N., Rountree, R., Sayigh, L., Sousa-Lima, R., Stanley, J., Thomisch, K., Urban, E., Zeeland, L., Vela, S., Zuffi, S., Nedelec, S. L., 2023, “A Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds (GLUBS): An online platform with multiple passive acoustic monitoring applications”, editor(s): Popper, A. N., Sisneros, J., Hawkins, A. D., Thomsen, F., The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, pp. 25, Cham: Springer.
- 林子皓*、周宜鞍、孫翊仁,2021,〈運用水下聲景訊息感測淺海棲地之空間變化趨勢〉,共10頁,發表於台灣聲學學會第三十四屆學術研討會,逢甲大學:台灣聲學學會,2021-11-12。