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Join the Marine Paleontology Lab at the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan)

The Marine Paleontology Lab ( is seeking two Postdoctoral Research Fellows and two PhD students to join our multidisciplinary team. These positions offer a unique opportunity to contribute to marine (paleo)ecology, paleobiology, geochemistry, and related fields.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
● Duration: Two to three years (second and third year contingent upon satisfactory progress)
● Start date: Early 2025
● Location: Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
● Salary: Starting at NT$65,880 per month, as per Academia Sinica’s regulations for postdoctoral scholars. Salary may increase based on performance after six months.

The position is funded by Academia Sinica, and is open to a broad-range of research topics, including (but not limited to): paleobiology; macroevolution; community ecology and paleoecology; conservation paleobiology; (paleo)oceanography; geochemistry. However, we expect the fellow to develop and submit a full research proposal to pursue independent research aligned with the fellow's expertise within 6 months of arrival. Candidates with experience in deep-sea core analyses or those utilizing fossil records from Taiwan and the Indo-West Pacific are especially encouraged to apply. Our lab has strong expertise in fish taxonomy, especially fish otoliths, and has access to major fossil localities in Taiwan. We have also conducted multiple expeditions in Southeast Asia across various time scales. 

For more information see for deep-sea core fish fossil records, and and for fish fossils across Indo-West Pacific.

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